Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman began her Budget 2023-24 speech with declaring it the "first budget of Amrit Kaal" — using a term coined by PM Narendra Modi's government to define a brighter future as India completed 75 years of Independence.
"Our vision for the 'Amrit Kaal' includes a technology-driven and knowledge-based economy, with strong public finances and a robust financial sector. To achieve this 'jan-bhaagidari' (public participation) through 'sabka saath, sabka prayaas' (efforts by all) is essential," she said.
For the coming fiscal year, she enumerated seven priorities: "Inclusive development, reaching the last mile, agriculture and investment, unleashing potential, green growth, youth power, and the financial sector."
Claiming that the world has "recognised India as a bright star", she said economic growth for the current year (2022-23) is "estimated at 7 per cent... is the highest among all major economies", she further said.
WATCH LIVE: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presents the Union Budget #BudgetWithNDTV
— NDTV (@ndtv) February 1, 2023
"India's rising global profile is because of several accomplishments," she said, citing digital infrastructure such as Aadhaar, Cowin and UPI.
She listed free rations given to the poor during the Covid pandemic among key successes of the BJP-led NDA government: "The government ensured no one went to bed hungry." Her list also included Jan Dhan bank accounts and coronavirus vaccinations.
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